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Artisanal Jewelry and Art Creations

Discover the beauty of handmade jewelry, paintings, and pyrography at Bednar's Magik Garden. Each piece is crafted with intention and purpose, reflecting our passion for art.

person doing handcrafts
person doing handcrafts



Unique Handcrafted Creations

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Welcome to Bednar's Magik Garden

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Blessed Be

Welcome to Bednar’s Magik Garden, I am so happy you stopped by. My name is Angel, the artist and witch in residence, and I am happy to show you around and answer any questions you might have.

I don’t remember a time when I was not “practicing”. It is an innate talent I was born with. I am an eclectic witch; I suppose you could say. As with my art, I don’t want to limit myself to one medium. When I begin a creation, I focus my energies and infuse them into my work. My intent is to create original pieces that celebrate our culture and lifestyle as modern witches.

When I became permanently disabled in 2016 due to chronic illnesses, it was my craft that saved me and kept me sane. I poured my energies and intent into gaining my life back and that is what lead me here.

I prefer not to do readings, but I do love creating a lovely jar or ball spell to give you that extra spark, so please feel free to reach out.

Angel Eggebraaten Bednar

Bednar’s Magik Garden